EN_Pagamentos > Beneficiários do FEAGA e do FEADER


Atualizado a 2024/05/29


In order to properly protect the European Union's financial interests and increase transparency with regard to the use of Union Funds, under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), IFAP ensures the annual publication of the beneficiaries of both European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) and European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) payments, in accordance with Regulation (EU) N.º 1306/2013, of 17 December, namely Articles 111 to 113, as well as the respective implementing rules, based on article 57 and following articles of the Regulation (EU) N.º 908/2014for the financial year 2022 and in accordance with Reg (EU) No 128/2022 laying down detailed rules for the application of Reg.2021/2116, as regards the paying agencies and other bodies, financial management, clearance of accounts, controls, guarantees and transparency, for the financial year 2023.

The information referred to in the first subparagraph of Article 111 of Regulation (EU) N.º 1306/2013, of 17 December, shall be made available on a single website per Member State. It shall remain available for two years from the date of the initial publication.

All rights granted to beneficiaries under the rules on the protection of personal data, as well as the procedures applicable to the exercise of these rights, are provided for in General Data Protection Regulation - Regulation (EU) N.º 2016/679, and must respect the Privacy Policy followed by IFAP.


The information available for consultation includes the following fields:

  • Financial Year: Identification of the financial years available for query.

    The financial years 2022 and 2023 correspond, respectively, to the periods from 16.10.2021 to 15.10.2022 and 16.10.2022 to 15.10.2023;
  • Beneficiary:
    • the first name and the surname if the beneficiary is a natural person;
    • the full legal name, as registered, if the beneficiary is a legal person with the autonomous legal personality pursuant to the legislation of the Member State concerned;
    • the full name of the association, as registered or otherwise officially recognised, if the beneficiary is an association without an own legal personality;
  • Name of the group of companies: identification of the name of the group of companies, in cases where the beneficiary has indicated that they are part of a group of companies;

  • NIF Group of companies: indication of the NIF of the Group of companies - in cases where the beneficiary has indicated that they are part of a group of companies;

  • District and Municipality: the district and municipality where the beneficiary lives or is registered for tax purposes;

  •  Measures: the nature and the description of the measures financed by either Agricultural Funds and under which the payment referred to is awarded. See the list of measures and their descriptions;

  • Amount: >the payment amount , per measure and total, financed by the EAGF and EAFRD, granted by beneficiary in the financial year concerned;


See the beneficiaries EAGF and EAFRD payments using the search engine provided by IFAP.


For more information on beneficiaries of EAGF and EAFRD Payments see the FAQ.


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